Shower Walls

Tips for Caring Shower Walls Made Of Natural Stone

As we all know that natural stone has emerged as a winning choice whenever it comes to renovate your shower.  Stone tile can last a lifetime and make you have an elegant yet unique bathroom. The best thing is that Natural Stone is easy to clean and maintain.

In comparison of fiberglass shower walls and ceramic tile, it is considered good to go. Caring for natural stone in your shower is simple once you get to know basic maintenance steps in order to take. Let us check it out in a detailed manner – 

Clean The Stone Weekly

The best thing is that natural-stone shower space can truly add a great significant value to residential properties. However, you also need to keep in mind that how you can have proper care. The stone in your shower stall get easily be affected by water and humidity.

In addition, these things can truly mold and mildew growth.  Skin cells along with natural and synthetic oils can also lead to the stone surface and can affect the protective seal over time. For this regular cleaning is indeed important. It means it is quite important to understand what sticks to natural-stone showers. 

First, you need to make sure that you need to make it once a week using good quality stone-safe cleaning product such as Granite Gold Shower Cleaner in order to remove and keep it safe from grime, water deposits, soap scum and mildew from the tile. Patio Pavers also said that you need to make sure that you are going to go with a non-acidic product designed for natural stone.

Here, you also need to make sure that you are not going to use common bathroom or household cleaning products on stone as they usually come up with ammonia or acids, which can lead to permanent damage.

Remove Excess Water After Every Shower

Next thing on the list is that you can go ahead to remove excess water after every shower. If you are concerned about water spots, dulling of the stone or mildew, do take care in order to remove excess water on the walls with a squeegee after having shower.

Natural Stone is what keep leading to have mildew and mold to grow. It would be ideal if you go ahead to squeegee so that stone air dry goes faster. However, you can also do it by adding proper ventilation.

Treat Mildew With Bleach

You should not panic if you ever notice mold or mildew on your stone tile. Yes! You can go ahead to remove it easy making solution of one part water and one part laundry bleach. You need to spray this solution onto the tile and go ahead to gently scrub using a non-scratch nylon pad or going with bristle brush to so that you will not have to worry about scratching the stone. You need to wait for 15 minutes in order to let sit this solutions so that after scrubbing, you can easily rinse away with water.

Make sure that you are going to choose the right cleaning products always. You should not go with vinegar, ammonia or common household cleaning products ever. The motto of not using these cleaning products is that they do have a high PH level.

The high PH level can lead to can take the strip away the seal and penetrate the tiles following its pores.  In addition, later on it can cause chemical reactions beneath the surface. You should go with granite shower cleaner. 

Don’t Neglect The Grout

It could be easy for you to focus on your cleaning efforts solely all across on your beautiful stone. Here, it also needs to make sure that grot in between the tiles also require attention. You should go ahead to use a toothbrush to clean grout.

Soft nylon brush is also ideal option to ahead to clean so that grim and mildew can be agitated and lifted easily. Then you can rinse with water after cleaning and dry the grout using a clean and dry towel indeed. Expert Natural Stone Supplier also advice that you should seal the grout in order to keep it protected.

Seal The Stone Regularly

In addition, the next on the list is that you should seal natural stone in order to create a barrier so that liquids and chemicals could be penetrated into the stone. Having stone in the shower, sealing has always been considered quite important since stone has always been subjected to have a great deal of exposure to soap, beauty care products, water and shampoo. 

Sealing always considered ideal to keep bacteria out of the stone as well as to keep the shower sanitary. Seal your stone, clean, and dry the tiles first without any doubt. Next thing you need to do is applying a stone sealer in small sections of no more than three square feet and immediately buff into the stone using a clean cloth. You may buff until the sealer is absorbed and dry to prevent haziness on the stone. 

How Cleaning Should Be Done 

In the past, clogged sewer lines were snaked using long, steel augers. Today, clogged sewer lines can be easily cleaned with just pressurized water. Hydro-jetting is a relatively new, innovative cleaning solution for clogged pipes and sewer lines. We used to use long, steel augers to snake your drains, but now sewer lines can be easily cleaned with just pressurized water.

When it comes to routine cleaning, you need to keep some important things in your mind. First, you need to dry off the surface using a squeegee or towel. Go ahead to check out the grout lines and determine if it needs to do scrubbing or not.

Moreover, if needs then you need to use a soft nylon brush or other scrubbing implement especially designed going with natural stone. First, you need to clear grout lines. Do apply natural-stone cleaner and wipe down the surface until it gets dry and buffed with a dry cloth. However, natural stone care is quite simple whether it is installed in a shower or on a counter top. 

In The Last

If you have been contemplating for a long time, you have landed at the right platform. You may follow these tips in order to churn out the best results.