Solar panel

6 Things to Consider When You Want to Install Solar Panels

Solar power is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative source of energy for residences and businesses. Solar panel installation services with Solar Market are more efficient now than ever before, but you need to do your homework before you decide to switch over to solar power. Here are 6 things to consider before installing solar panels on your home or business

1. Tendency to Leak

Although it is hard to find the real statistics about solar panels leaking, there have been a lot of reports that say that they can leak. The most common leakage comes from the seams where two panels are joined together. Also, there may be some toxic substances inside of the panels that can leak into the soil or water around your home if they leak. You might want to consider this when choosing whether or not you want to install solar panels in your yard.

2. Scalability

Solar panel systems are usually manufactured in large batches and then shipped all over the country. This often leads to difficulties in scalability so these companies can only offer their best prices to businesses in big cities where they have enough demand for their products. If you live outside a big city, you might find that installing solar panels is going to cost you quite a bit more money than if you lived in a larger city like Boston or New York City.

3. How much space do I have available?

You might be tempted by ads showing solar panels on rooftops with a ton of extra space because they’re mounted high up where they won’t shade each other or rooftop air-conditioning units. But that’s not necessarily realistic for every property — most popular roof styles aren’t designed for this kind of thing and some municipalities ban mounting solar panels above a certain height anyway.

4. Price

When it comes to solar panels, price is always going to be a factor that is important to consider. Like most other types of green technology, the price of solar panels has come down over time and they are now much more affordable than they were in previous years. That being said, they are still an expensive investment and it will take some time before they start paying for themselves. In addition, you need to take into account how long it will take before your panels are actually producing enough energy to cover the costs that were incurred while they were being installed.

5. Location

One thing that’s important to consider is the location of your home. If your home gets a lot of sunlight throughout the day, this could be an ideal place for installing solar panels. The south facing roof on your house is probably the best place to install them. This will help you get the maximum amount of sunlight throughout the day and maximize your usage.

6. Types

here are different types of solar panels available today. There are conventional mono panels as well as thin film photovoltaic (PV) modules. Conventional mono panels use semiconductors made from silicon and produce about 200-250 watts of power each for homes in average climates. On the other hand, thin film PV modules use less semiconductors than conventional mono panels and produce less power.